As a small player in a big, competitive executive recruitment market, RSA wanted to punch above its weight and champion important issues. One potential issue was female representation on large company boards.
The Challenge:
RSA wanted to raise its corporate profile and increase its presence and visibility vis-à-vis very established and powerful competitors.

SAY looked at the environment to position this knowledgeable and dynamic organisation as a thought-leader on a subject that they could own credibly.
At a time when the issue of female representation on large company boards was gaining attention, there was an opportunity for RSA to look proactively at the situation in the Life Sciences.
We created a multi-channel thought leadership campaign that allowed RSA to lead with a new perspective and narrative, asking whether the Life Sciences is a place to foster gender equality. Driven by an insightful report collating data and perspectives from over 400 industry executives, the campaign generated coverage in national, business, recruitment media and life sciences media. It also provided RSA with a strong platform for a very differentiated customer engagement approach.