NHS challenge: neutralising a media crisis

This acute Foundation Trust wanted to manage and mitigate risk around a historical situation in their surgery department that had the potential to become an issue in the media.

The Challenge:

SAY needed to advise the Trust on how best to manage its reputation, and provide communications strategy, planning and tactical support to help manage and mitigate risk.


Our recommendation was based on a three-fold strategy:

  • Neutralise and mitigate the negative impact by bolstering goodwill towards the Trust with a narrative focused on the positive, systemic changes taking place under new leadership
  • Prepare to defend against the anticipated worst-case scenarios
  • Promote the Trust’s approach to dealing with this situation as best practice.

The Results Are In…

100% CEO and executive team fully behind the strategy
Media Minimal, balanced and accurate media coverage of the issue
Rapid The Trust adopted Say’s rapid response templates as best practice

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